Today we were some students and the pupils from lisleherad school in Blefjell. The pupils where divided into three groups: the youngest were staying at the playground made with the help of the students. Others where going to a little trip, and the last group with the student's of the 5th grade (9 or 10 years old) had the chance and the honour to go this year because they are old enough, to the highest mountain of Blefjell: The Bletoppen (1342 moh).
We had not so much chance with the weather, because it was snowing, and foggy...but it ad also could be lets be happy! We started with a big up hill, of 200m, the children are full of energy, the race they were waiting for has started! it looked like it the physical proof to grow up to another they are children and they are becoming teenagers...this is their Rite of passage...
I have to say that they did it very well, they reached with success the next level! they were all running up hill with their skis (here the words:"Norwegian are born with skis on their feet takes all its meaning"). When they fell they were again up after few seconds...
Unfortunately we didn't reach the summit because the visibility was very bad, it became to be cold, and we have to say it for few minutes we were lost, but we enjoyed the way going down, we tried telemark skiing with a lot of falls....and at the end we had an applause by the other pupils and students who stayed at the playing are (lazy boys).