Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Welcome to Notodden

First of all, I would like to present you my university where i am studying sport, culture and society. This picture was taken some few month ago, now it looks more like this.
The lessons in Norway are really nice compared to my home country France. What you have to now is that the lessons here starts at 8am and finish at the latest at 4pm, but most of the time you have finished around 2pm.

Before the winter was here, we had a lot of lessons outside, like for example playing, where you are having some games in the forest, or Orienteering where you learn how to read a map and to use a compass.
This is a picture about the final orienteering race we had.
We went also on some very nice trips with and without teachers, and others with pupils from a local school.

My topic was titled welcome to Notodden, so I am going to present you the little town in witch I am studying.
Notodden in a little town with some strange habits (I will talk you about it later). Our university is a little bit up in the town, and our Erasmus flats are also out of the city center.
You can have your flat on the west side: it's called Saetre, or on the est side, up on the hill, called Hogas.

Here is my house, it looks like a mountain cottage, but the flat is really nice.
In Hogas, you will share your flat with one other person, and in Seatre, you will share it with 4 other persons, most of the time they try to put two Erasmus persons with two Norwegians.
In Hogas wat in really nice is the view, but you have to walk much more to go down town. And most of the parties are done in Seatre, and it is also nearer to STUA: the university pub (you will now much more about it if you follow the blog).

Thanks for reading, another article is coming soon !